Drive your car efficiently and save money: 7 smart tips
Driving doesn’t have to be expensive. With the right habits, you can save significantly on your car expenses. Whether you take short trips or want to take longer ones, here are seven tips to save both fuel and money.
Tip 1: Drive consciously and efficiently
Keep a constant speed and anticipate traffic. Abrupt stopping and accelerating uses more fuel. Look ahead and anticipate what is coming so you can slow down and accelerate calmly. By driving more fluidly, you will significantly reduce fuel consumption.

Tip 2: Use eco mode
Veel hybride auto’s, zoals de Corolla Hybrid, hebben een eco-modus. Deze modus optimaliseert het energieverbruik, zodat je meer kilometers haalt uit elke liter brandstof of lading. Een simpele druk op de knop bespaart je direct geld.
Tip 3: Get smart about air conditioning
Air conditioning is nice on hot days, yet it consumes extra fuel. Turn on the air conditioning only when really necessary, and use alternative ventilation options such as opening windows (at low speeds) or just the fan.
Tip 4: Keep your tyres inflated
Proper tyre pressure reduces rolling resistance and increases your car’s efficiency. Check tyre pressure regularly, especially in colder temperatures. This not only improves your fuel economy, but also prolongs the life of your tyres.

Tip 5: Make smart use of cruise control
On long trips, cruise control can help you maintain a constant speed, saving fuel. Use it especially on motorways and flat roads. In contrast, on hilly terrain, manual driving can be more efficient.
Tip 6: Opt for hybrid or electric
KINTO offers flexible subscriptions for hybrid vehicles, which can help you save substantially on fuel costs. Moreover, electric cars are not only more economical to use but also more sustainable.
Tip 7: Limit unnecessary weight
A full boot or roof racks create more resistance, which increases fuel consumption. Remove unnecessary items from your car and remove roof racks when not in use. This way, you will consume less and drive more efficiently.
Fuel-efficient driving is not complicated and can save a lot of money. With these tips, you will not only reduce your car costs, but also contribute to a cleaner future. Start driving more economically today!